The Kittens

The Kittens
The adorable kittens on a tree branch!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Good Morning!

Good morning! Check this funny photo of tiring mornings! Hope you have a furtastic day!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Good morning and make a difference!

Good morning subscribers! What's up? If you go to Istanbul or another big city you are sure to find a lot of stray cats and I mean a lot! They are starving and homeless and love. So are abused animals so plz go check out your local pet shelter and adopt pets that need homes. Two summers ago I was staying in Istanbul, Turkey and saw hundreds of cats on the streets! But a little one came to my summer home and wanted food. I gave it a bowl of milk and some bread. It ate hungrily and loved me from that point on. I made it a small house for it to sleep in and it stayed in there. I loved it so much and it loved me. But when I had to go back to America I couldn't bear leaving her. I wanted my mother to buy a passport for her but she disagreed and didnt want to take care of it so I got into the car and the cat followed me curious wondering where I was going. But after that I never saw her again.... Please adopt a homeless cat and give it love. Thanks and have a fur tastic day!!

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Pretty hungry right now and I'm going to a restaurant! Yum!!! Hope I get really full and fill my stomach with food! Too bad cats can't taste sweet so no dessert for them! Subscribe/comment below for more info of your feline friends!

Happy Afternoon!

Happy afternoon! It's a good sunny day to enjoy the outdoors! Go on a walk and wake up! Breathe in the fresh air :)

Amazing :)

So beautiful especially the eyes :')

Vampire Cat!!

Vampire Cat?!?!? Spooky..... O_o

Some awesome facts!!

Hey subscribers there's some crazy facts about our feline friends! Here are a few:•they twitch their tail when angry!•Just like wolves they urinate (eww) their territoryto mark their property•If you touch cat's nose then they see it as a friendly greeting•Cats can't taste sweet things!!•Cats sleep for 12-16 hours!•A cat has a heart range of 140-220 beat per minute!•They can say Meow in 100 different ways while dogs can communicate in 10 ways•Cats can withstand 126 degrees while humans will start to get uncomfortable at 112 degrees

Hundreds of cats.....

What's up subscribers! Did you know that there is more than 43 different breeds of cats? My favorite is the Norwegian Forest Cat! Comment below of what's your favorite cat! Have a pawsome day!

Cat Olympic photos!

Hey subscribers! If you want to see some photos of the cat Olympics then go to the link below! Happy Cat Olympics!

The Cat Olympics have begun!!!

Morning subscribers! Hope everyone is having a fur-tastic day!I was at the pet store not long ago and saw the most adorable cat! Her name was Molly and was 2 years old. Many cats want to be adopted so go to your local pet store and adopt a cat that needs love! But right now all the chat is about the Olympics in London! Also going on is the Cat Olympics! It was said that the regular Olympics are in Summer or winter but cat Olympics are the year long! The activities include Mouse hockey, Synchronized sleeping,Bird watching, Relay drinking, and compulsory yawning! These Olympics are the cat olympics and only for cats! Subscribe/comment for more news about your feline friends!

Welcome to Meow Spot!

Hello! Your blogger here and this is the new blog all about cats! At the Meow Spot there will be photos of cats,info, and other stuff! Subscribe to this blog to get lots of info about your feline friends at the meow spot!